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<div class="search">
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/* No context defined. */
  • Content:
    var url = location.pathname;
    const urlarray = url.split('/');
    var culturecode = urlarray[1];
    var search = (function (w, d, $, undefined) {
    	'use strict';
    	var s = {
    			selectors: {
    				theWrap: '.search',
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    				theTriggerOpen: '.search__trigger--open',
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    				theList: '.search__list',
    				theCta: '.search__cta',
    				theLoader: '.search__loader'
    			classes: {
    				searchIsVisible: 'search-is-visible',
    				searchHasResults: 'search-has-results'
    			theMinLength: 2,
    			theCall: null,
    			theTimer: null
    		els = {},
    		init = function() {
    			// define variables
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    			els.theForm = $(s.selectors.theForm);
    			els.theInput = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theInput);
    			els.theTriggerOpen = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theTriggerOpen);
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    			els.theList = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theList);
    			els.theCta = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theCta);
    			els.theLoader = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theLoader);
    			// define settings
    			s.noresults = els.theInput.data('no-results');
    			s.noQuery = els.theInput.data('nothing-entered');
    			s.searchPageUrl = els.theInput.data('search-page');
    			s.maxResults = 5;
    			// bind events
    			els.theTriggerOpen.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); openIt(); });
    			els.theTriggerClose.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); closeIt(); });
    			els.theInput.on('keyup', function(e) {
    				// define variables
    				var theValue;
    				// set search value
    				if(this.value.trim()) {
              if(e.key === 'Enter') { els.theForm.submit(); return; }
                        els.theCta[0].href ='/'+culturecode+(s.searchPageUrl + this.value.trim());
    				} else {
    				// if value length is bigger than the min length => performIt
    				theValue = this.value.trim();
    				theValue.length >= s.theMinLength && performIt(theValue);
    		openIt = function() {
    			// add class to the body
    			// focus input field
    		closeIt = function() {
    			// remove class from the body
    			// clear all elements after fade out
    			setTimeout(function() {
    				// hide box and clear results
    				// empty input field
    				// hide the loader
    			}, 700);
    		performIt = function(theQuery) {
    			// no param
    			if(!theQuery) { return; }
    			// show the loader
    			s.theTimer = setTimeout(function() {
    				s.theCall = $.ajax({
    					url: "/api/item?q=" + theQuery,
    					contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    					dataType: "json",
    					success: function(data) {
    						// define result count
    						var resultCount = (data.length && data !== "") ? data.length : 0,
    							buildCount = 0,
    							resultHtml = '',
    						// hide the loader
    						// show content box
    						// set results in list
    						for(i = 0; i < resultCount; i += 1) {
    							if(data[i] !== '') {
    								// set build count
    								// append result if possible
    								if(buildCount <= s.maxResults) {
    									resultHtml += '<li class="search__item">';
    									resultHtml += '<a class="search__link" href="' + data[i].AbsoluteUrl + '">' + data[i].Title + '</a></li>';
    						// append results to list
    						if(buildCount) {
    							// append results
    							// show button
    						} else {
    							// append nothing found text
    							els.theList.html('<li class="search__item search__item--noResult">' + s.noresults + '</li>');
    							// disable button
    							els.theCta[0].setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
    			}, 800);
    	w.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
    }(window, window.document, window.jQuery));
  • URL: /components/raw/search/_search.js
  • Filesystem Path: ../src/04_organisms/search/_search.js
  • Size: 4.3 KB
  • Content:
    var search = (function (w, d, $, undefined) {
    	'use strict';
    	var s = {
    			selectors: {
    				theWrap: '.search',
    				theForm: '.search__form',
    				theTriggerOpen: '.search__trigger--open',
    				theTriggerClose: '.search__trigger--close',
    				theInput: '.search__input',
    				theList: '.search__list',
    				theCta: '.search__cta',
    				theLoader: '.search__loader'
    			classes: {
    				searchIsVisible: 'search-is-visible',
    				searchHasResults: 'search-has-results'
    			theMinLength: 2,
    			theCall: null,
    			theTimer: null
    		els = {},
    		init = function() {
          if (!$ || !window.jQuery) { console.log('jQuery not defined for search.js'); return; }
    			// define variables
    			els.theWrap = $(s.selectors.theWrap);
    			els.theForm = $(s.selectors.theForm);
    			els.theInput = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theInput);
    			els.theTriggerOpen = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theTriggerOpen);
    			els.theTriggerClose = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theTriggerClose);
    			els.theList = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theList);
    			els.theCta = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theCta);
    			els.theLoader = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theLoader);
    			// define settings
    			s.noresults = els.theInput.data('no-results');
    			s.noQuery = els.theInput.data('nothing-entered');
    			s.searchPageUrl = els.theInput.data('search-page');
    			s.maxResults = 5;
          s.locale = location.pathname.split('/')[1];
    			// bind events
    			els.theTriggerOpen.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); openIt(); });
    			els.theTriggerClose.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); closeIt(); });
    			els.theInput.on('keyup', function(e) {
    				// define variables
    				var theValue;
    				// set search value
    				if(this.value.trim()) {
              if(e.key === 'Enter') { els.theForm.submit(); return; }
              if (s.locale) {
                els.theCta[0].href ='/' + s.locale + (s.searchPageUrl + this.value.trim());
              } else {
                els.theCta[0].href ='/'+(s.searchPageUrl + this.value.trim());
    				} else {
    				// if value length is bigger than the min length => performIt
    				theValue = this.value.trim();
    				theValue.length >= s.theMinLength && performIt(theValue);
    		openIt = function() {
    			// add class to the body
    			// focus input field
    		closeIt = function() {
    			// remove class from the body
    			// clear all elements after fade out
    			setTimeout(function() {
    				// hide box and clear results
    				// empty input field
    				// hide the loader
    			}, 700);
    		performIt = function(theQuery) {
    			// no param
    			if(!theQuery) { return; }
    			// show the loader
    			s.theTimer = setTimeout(function() {
    				s.theCall = $.ajax({
    					url: "/api/item?q=" + theQuery,
    					contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    					dataType: "json",
    					success: function(data) {
    						// define result count
    						var resultCount = (data.length && data !== "") ? data.length : 0,
    							buildCount = 0,
    							resultHtml = '',
    						// hide the loader
    						// show content box
    						// set results in list
    						for(i = 0; i < resultCount; i += 1) {
    							if(data[i] !== '') {
    								// set build count
    								// append result if possible
    								if(buildCount <= s.maxResults) {
    									resultHtml += '<li class="search__item">';
    									resultHtml += '<a class="search__link" href="' + data[i].AbsoluteUrl + '">' + data[i].Title + '</a></li>';
    						// append results to list
    						if(buildCount) {
    							// append results
    							// show button
    						} else {
    							// append nothing found text
    							els.theList.html('<li class="search__item search__item--noResult">' + s.noresults + '</li>');
    							// disable button
    							els.theCta[0].setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
    			}, 800);
    	w.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
    }(window, window.document, window.jQuery));
  • URL: /components/raw/search/_search.last.js
  • Filesystem Path: ../src/04_organisms/search/_search.last.js
  • Size: 4.5 KB
  • Content:
    var search = function(n, t, i) {
        "use strict";
        var u = {
            selectors: {
                theWrap: ".search",
                theForm: ".search__form",
                theTriggerOpen: ".search__trigger--open",
                theTriggerClose: ".search__trigger--close",
                theInput: ".search__input",
                theList: ".search__list",
                theCta: ".search__cta",
                theLoader: ".search__loader"
            classes: {
                searchIsVisible: "search-is-visible",
                searchHasResults: "search-has-results"
            theMinLength: 2,
            theCall: null,
            theTimer: null
          , r = {}
          , f = function() {
            r.theWrap = i(u.selectors.theWrap);
            r.theForm = i(u.selectors.theForm);
            r.theInput = r.theWrap.find(u.selectors.theInput);
            r.theTriggerOpen = r.theWrap.find(u.selectors.theTriggerOpen);
            r.theTriggerClose = r.theWrap.find(u.selectors.theTriggerClose);
            r.theList = r.theWrap.find(u.selectors.theList);
            r.theCta = r.theWrap.find(u.selectors.theCta);
            r.theLoader = r.theWrap.find(u.selectors.theLoader);
            u.noresults = r.theInput.data("no-results");
            u.noQuery = r.theInput.data("nothing-entered");
            u.searchPageUrl = r.theInput.data("search-page");
            u.maxResults = 5;
            r.theTriggerOpen.on("click", function(n) {
            r.theTriggerClose.on("click", function(n) {
            r.theInput.on("keyup", function(n) {
                var t;
                if (this.value.trim()) {
                    if (n.key === "Enter") {
                    r.theCta[0].href = u.searchPageUrl + this.value.trim()
                } else
                t = this.value.trim();
                t.length >= u.theMinLength && s(t)
          , e = function() {
          , o = function() {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 700)
          , s = function(n) {
            n && (r.theLoader.show(),
            u.theTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                u.theCall = i.ajax({
                    url: "/api/item?q=" + n,
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    dataType: "json",
                    success: function(n) {
                        var e = n.length && n !== "" ? n.length : 0, i = 0, f = "", t;
                        for (r.theLoader.hide(),
                        t = 0; t < e; t += 1)
                            n[t] !== "" && (i++,
                            i <= u.maxResults && (f += '<li class="search__item">',
                            f += '<a class="search__link" href="' + n[t].AbsoluteUrl + '">' + n[t].Title + "<\/a><\/li>"));
                        i ? (r.theList.html(f),
                        r.theCta[0].removeAttribute("disabled")) : (r.theList.html('<li class="search__item search__item--noResult">' + u.noresults + "<\/li>"),
                        r.theCta[0].setAttribute("disabled", "true"))
            }, 800))
        n.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", f)
    }(window, window.document, window.jQuery);
  • URL: /components/raw/search/_search.old.js
  • Filesystem Path: ../src/04_organisms/search/_search.old.js
  • Size: 3.7 KB
  • Content:
    if (!window.search) {
      var search = (function (w, d, $, undefined) {
        'use strict';
        var s = {
            selectors: {
              theWrap: '.search',
              theForm: '.search__form',
              theTriggerOpen: '.search__trigger--open',
              theTriggerClose: '.search__trigger--close',
              theInput: '.search__input',
              theList: '.search__list',
              theCta: '.search__cta',
              theLoader: '.search__loader'
            classes: {
              searchIsVisible: 'search-is-visible',
              searchHasResults: 'search-has-results'
            theMinLength: 2,
            theCall: null,
            theTimer: null,
            searchPath: '/api/item?q=', // '/fapi/search.json?q=',
          els = {},
          init = function() {
            if (!$ || !window.jQuery) { console.log('jQuery not defined for search.js'); return; }
            // define variables
            els.theWrap = $(s.selectors.theWrap);
            els.theForm = $(s.selectors.theForm);
            els.theInput = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theInput);
            els.theTriggerOpen = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theTriggerOpen);
            els.theTriggerClose = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theTriggerClose);
            els.theList = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theList);
            els.theCta = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theCta);
            els.theLoader = els.theWrap.find(s.selectors.theLoader);
            // define settings
            s.noresults = els.theInput.data('no-results');
            s.noQuery = els.theInput.data('nothing-entered');
            s.searchPageUrl = els.theInput.data('search-page');
            s.maxResults = 5;
            // language extra checks
            const htmlLang = (d.querySelector('html').lang || '').toLowerCase();
            const urlPath = w.location.pathname.split('/').filter(n => n);
            s.locale = urlPath[0] || htmlLang;
            // bind events
            els.theTriggerOpen.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); openIt(); });
            els.theTriggerClose.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); closeIt(); });
            els.theInput.on('keyup', function(e) {
              // define variables
              var theValue;
              // set search value
              if(this.value.trim()) {
                if(e.key === 'Enter') { els.theForm.submit(); return; }
                if (s.locale) {
                  els.theCta[0].href = '/' + s.locale + (s.searchPageUrl + this.value.trim());
                } else {
                  els.theCta[0].href = '/' + (s.searchPageUrl + this.value.trim());
              } else {
              // if value length is bigger than the min length => performIt
              theValue = this.value.trim();
              theValue.length >= s.theMinLength && performIt(theValue);
          openIt = function() {
            // add class to the body
            // focus input field
          closeIt = function() {
            // remove class from the body
            // clear all elements after fade out
            setTimeout(function() {
              // hide box and clear results
              // empty input field
              // hide the loader
            }, 700);
          performIt = function(theQuery) {
            // no param
            if(!theQuery) { return; }
            // show the loader
            s.theTimer = setTimeout(function() {
              s.theCall = $.ajax({
                url: s.searchPath + theQuery,
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                  // define result count
                  var resultCount = (data.length && data !== "") ? data.length : 0,
                    buildCount = 0,
                    resultHtml = '',
                  // hide the loader
                  // show content box
                  // set results in list
                  for(i = 0; i < resultCount; i += 1) {
                    if(data[i] !== '') {
                      // set build count
                      // append result if possible
                      if(buildCount <= s.maxResults) {
                        resultHtml += '<li class="search__item">';
                        resultHtml += '<a class="search__link" href="' + data[i].AbsoluteUrl + '">' + data[i].Title + '</a></li>';
                  // append results to list
                  if(buildCount) {
                    // append results
                    // show button
                  } else {
                    // append nothing found text
                    els.theList.html('<li class="search__item search__item--noResult">' + s.noresults + '</li>');
                    // disable button
                    els.theCta[0].setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
            }, 800);
        w.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
      }(window, window.document, window.jQuery));
  • URL: /components/raw/search/search.js
  • Filesystem Path: ../src/04_organisms/search/search.js
  • Size: 5.5 KB
  • Content:
    .search {
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      transition: left 0s, opacity 500ms;
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      opacity: 1;
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    .search__results__inner h3:after {
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      cursor: pointer;
      &:hover {
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      .theme-2020 & {
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    .search__item:first-child .search__link {
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      width: 100%;
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      display: block;
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      margin: 16px 0 0;
      color: #FFF;
      .theme-2020 & {
        color: inherit;
    .search__note a {
      .theme-2020 & {
        color: var(--color--action);
  • URL: /components/raw/search/search.scss
  • Filesystem Path: ../src/04_organisms/search/search.scss
  • Size: 4.4 KB

No notes defined.