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51.6131281,17.2899441 C52.2370352,15.5529884 52.8507501,13.8120779 53.4914014,12.081549 C54.2081706,10.1456934 55.556046,8.80966872 57.4318926,8.08097294 C60.2206673,6.99756942 63.1014953,6.81382999 66.0073992,7.48377858 C66.7103361,7.6458483 67.4068827,7.99709548 68.0115378,8.40651308 C69.2295034,9.2311159 69.6623475,10.5760391 69.1913232,11.9860539 C68.5892565,13.7884307 67.9219113,15.5683138 67.2713105,17.3536349 C67.2353952,17.452261 67.0962638,17.5784891 67.0042106,17.5793131 C65.3751604,17.5929905 63.7459485,17.5892004 62.0644813,17.5892004 C62.1238548,17.3997758 62.1659178,17.2462751 62.219629,17.0970589 C62.7707347,15.5664187 63.3249143,14.0369321 63.8756965,12.5061272 C64.2703604,11.409211 63.9089425,10.680268 62.8011495,10.3293504 C61.0318355,9.76882154 59.1163526,10.732506 58.4799076,12.5035729 C57.9112486,14.0860391 57.3471195,15.670318 56.7666506,17.2482525 C56.7170648,17.3830497 56.5604611,17.5734631 56.4515828,17.5748638 C54.8226134,17.5958744 53.1933206,17.5893652 51.5382237,17.5893652 Z M121.667909,7.59000963 C121.637251,7.71533146 121.61986,7.81923076 121.586371,7.91752724 C121.326471,8.68115823 121.053789,9.44042231 120.807074,10.2084202 C120.730632,10.4464575 120.616901,10.5212716 120.374715,10.5180582 C119.350886,10.5044632 118.326896,10.5121258 117.302986,10.512373 C116.011572,10.512785 115.466128,10.8716125 115.017268,12.1065392 C114.405737,13.789197 113.815481,15.4802589 113.244395,17.1775005 C113.130016,17.5174596 112.968963,17.6011723 112.640468,17.5972174 C111.2261,17.5799146 109.811329,17.5898019 108.396638,17.5898019 L107.956675,17.5898019 C108.025756,17.3778012 108.076798,17.2111174 108.134149,17.0467406 C108.813708,15.0977019 109.491488,13.1479216 110.175416,11.200366 C110.771173,9.50403076 111.793061,8.22922513 113.578391,7.76765189 C114.069314,7.64076456 114.588145,7.57666175 115.095085,7.5714709 C117.183106,7.54996597 119.271533,7.56191315 121.359797,7.56306668 C121.450556,7.56314907 121.541315,7.57847442 121.667909,7.59000963 Z M32.9509623,7.56188844 C32.8881106,7.76762717 32.8512246,7.90951027 32.8018815,8.04677928 C31.7063029,11.0962772 30.605871,14.1440448 29.5185433,17.1965913 C29.4179966,17.478792 29.3016763,17.6023835 28.9828876,17.5985934 C27.3666989,17.5794779 25.7501867,17.5897772 24.0724406,17.5897772 C24.1150698,17.4335575 24.1403075,17.30873 24.182775,17.1902469 C25.2903253,14.1014469 26.4032143,11.014542 27.5025947,7.92261097 C27.6017662,7.64370604 27.7342646,7.5521659 28.0243373,7.55480252 C29.6403641,7.56955111 31.2566336,7.56188844 32.9509623,7.56188844 Z M87.8546861,14.107989 C87.5032177,15.0957327 87.1847525,16.0267066 86.8319898,16.9439207 C86.7777124,17.0849798 86.5805827,17.2158221 86.4240599,17.2622101 C83.9920924,17.9836552 81.5022074,18.1658291 78.9844152,18.048582 C77.1835539,17.9647869 75.4219245,17.6726989 73.7579297,16.9281834 C72.7478522,16.4761679 71.8323356,15.8824341 71.1391055,14.9849122 C70.2171985,13.7912651 70.0986942,12.5294777 70.8271115,11.1906517 C71.4368628,10.0698411 72.3577991,9.2905552 73.4447224,8.69434956 C74.9737112,7.85565731 76.6277565,7.44459182 78.3405282,7.25557914 C80.92643,6.97032985 83.4573264,7.21421717 85.8778884,8.21728618 C86.5673976,8.50302985 87.2089387,8.93304604 87.8263745,9.36520449 C88.1598044,9.59862773 88.4403321,9.94649675 88.666097,10.2954369 C89.0783949,10.9325925 89.0028434,11.6278362 88.4240731,12.1070418 C87.9935748,12.4634798 87.4896281,12.7607587 86.9738714,12.9710291 C85.6115975,13.5262848 84.1614767,13.702032 82.7132164,13.8467989 C80.5668726,14.0613538 78.4290222,14.0390249 76.3476334,13.3813531 C75.6353132,13.1562517 74.9579376,12.8162101 74.2425436,12.5195904 C74.1901267,13.0226904 74.4040816,13.4319432 74.7463285,13.7818721 C75.3382839,14.3871411 76.0976014,14.6709073 76.8853922,14.8757397 C78.8454456,15.3855136 80.8345386,15.3721658 82.8287277,15.1679101 C84.4676466,14.9999904 86.0738048,14.6629151 87.6405695,14.139546 C87.6882947,14.1236439 87.7413588,14.1240559 87.8546861,14.107989 Z M76.1337593,10.5573686 C76.4599091,10.6776644 76.6821148,10.7740658 76.9123287,10.8420411 C78.4008724,11.2816975 79.9273537,11.413858 81.4675054,11.3630207 C82.0825954,11.3427517 82.699465,11.2488221 83.30501,11.1317397 C83.4903297,11.0959805 83.640543,10.8717855 83.8068535,10.7338573 C83.6559122,10.5780496 83.5222005,10.396782 83.348529,10.2745911 C83.2103683,10.1773658 83.0272326,10.1290003 82.857282,10.0993383 C82.2347501,9.99066013 81.61238,9.86484393 80.9845093,9.80741506 C79.349635,9.65795168 77.7675821,9.91395097 76.1337593,10.5573686 Z M107.321719,14.1033008 C106.96386,15.0987895 106.636254,16.0414634 106.277829,16.9717782 C106.227758,17.1017141 106.040173,17.2183022 105.8936,17.261724 C103.460824,17.9814388 100.970696,18.1655902 98.4523376,18.0493317 C96.7199904,17.9693268 95.0233159,17.6933057 93.4100393,17.0115747 C92.4814993,16.6191303 91.6282682,16.1042479 90.9228237,15.360062 C89.6065764,13.9714698 89.463077,12.4106733 90.5182912,10.8057958 C91.2712992,9.66059654 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                                <p><strong>Last Updated:</strong> 16 November, 2016 ("Effective Date")</p>
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                                <p>LINKS TO THE SERVICE</p>
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                                <p>The website in which you are linking must comply in all respects with the content standards set out
                                    in these Terms of Use.</p>
                                <p>If you wish to make any use of content on THE SITE other than that set out above, please contact <a href="mailto:support.us@pioneerdj.com">support.us@pioneerdj.com</a>.</p>
                                <p>THIRD PARTY LINKS</p>
                                <p>We may provide, or third parties may provide, on or through THE SITE, links to third party sites,
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                                    solely between you and the third party. </p>
                                <p>LIMITATION OF LIABILITY</p>
                                    SITE OR THE CONTENTS.</p>
                                <p>PIONEER DJ may, at its sole discretion, change, add or delete any of Contents or URL of THIS SITE,
                                    and to cease or discontinue the operation of part or all of THIS SITE without prior notice.</p>
                                <p>Please note that we only provide THE SITE for domestic and private use. You agree not to use THE SITE
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                                <p>We assume no responsibility for the content of websites linked on THE SITE. Such links should not be
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                                    damage that may arise from your use of them.</p>
                                <p>Each party agrees that it shall have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation,
                                    assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in this agreement.
                                    Each party agrees that it shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation or negligent
                                    misstatement based on any statement in this agreement.</p>
                                    HUNDRED U.S. DOLLARS ($100).</p>
                                    DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</p>
                                <p>You agree to indemnify and hold Pioneer DJ, and its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates,
                                    officers and employees, harmless from any liabilities, claims, expenses or demands, including
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                                    to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you,
                                    in which event you will cooperate with Pioneer DJ in asserting any available defenses.</p>
                                <p>SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS</p>
                                <p>PIONEER DJ has a policy not to accept any proposals, remarks, suggestions, ideas, materials or other
                                    information concerning PIONEER DJ's products and services (hereinafter collectively referred to as
                                    "Proposals"). In the event that you submit such Proposals to PIONEER DJ, such submission of Proposals
                                    shall be subject to the following terms:</p>
                                <ul class="list-rotary">
                                    <li>PIONEER DJ has no obligation to treat any Proposals in confidence, to use nor to commercialize any
                                    <li>PIONEER DJ has no obligation to report or inform of any status of use of any Proposals.</li>
                                    <li>You shall not assert any claim that PIONEER DJ&rsquo;s products or services infringe copyrights,
                                        industrial property or any other intellectual property rights contained in the Proposals in the
                                        event PIONEER DJ commercializes such Proposals or similar ideas.</li>
                                <strong>Browser Requirements</strong>
                                <p>When using anything besides the recommended browsers, SSL encrypted communication may not work
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                                <strong>Recommended browsers</strong>
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                                <p>INTERNATIONAL USE</p>
                                <p>Although this Site may be accessible worldwide, we make no representation that materials on this site
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                                    "terrorist supporting" country, and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited
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                                <p>GOVERNING LAW, ARBITRATION</p>
                                <p>The laws of the state of California, USA, will apply to all matters relating to these terms, the use
                                    of this Site and/or products provided through this Site, without regard to the conflicts of laws
                                    principles nor the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Any legal suit,
                                    action, or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement or the Site shall be settled by
                                    arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association pursuant to its Commercial
                                    Arbitration Rules, and judgment on the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
                                    The number of arbitrators shall be three, with each party selecting one arbitrator and those
                                    arbitrators shall nominate the chief arbitrator to be approved by the parties. The arbitration shall
                                    take place in the county of Los Angeles in the state of California.</p>
                                <p>These terms constitute the entire agreement between Pioneer DJ and you pertaining to the subject
                                    matter of these terms. In the event that any of these terms and conditions are held by a court or
                                    other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, those provisions shall be limited or
                                    eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the other terms shall otherwise remain in full
                                    force and effect.</p>
                                <p>These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and us and govern your use of THIS
                                    SITE and supersede and extinguish any prior agreements, promises, assurances, warranties,
                                    representations and undertakings between you and us, whether written or oral with respect to THE SITE.
                                <p>CONTACT DETAILS</p>
                                <p>To contact us, please email <a href="mailto:support.us@pioneerdj.com">support.us@pioneerdj.com</a>.
                                <p>If you purchase products through THE SITE, the following terms apply to you. We only accept orders
                                    from or deliver orders to the United States.</p>
                                <p> Products may vary slightly from their pictures. The images of the products on THE SITE are for
                                    illustrative purposes only. Although we have made every effort to display the colors accurately, we
                                    cannot guarantee that the device you are using will display colors accurately. Your product may vary
                                    slightly from those images. Packaging may vary from that shown on images on THE SITE.</p>
                                <p> We may change the product to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements, and to
                                    make minor technical adjustments and improvements.</p>
                                <p>LIMITED WARRANTY</p>
                                <p>New or refurbished products sold through THE SITE ("Products") are covered by Pioneer DJ&rsquo;s
                                    standard manufacturer&rsquo;s limited warranties applicable to such Products. The terms of the
                                    warranties, are located at: <a href="/en-us/company/warranty/">http://www.pioneerdj.com/en-us/company/warranty</a>. In the event of
                                    a conflict between these terms and the limited warranty, the terms of the limited warranty will apply
                                    with respect to the applicable Product.</p>
                                <p>We will contact you as soon as possible if events outside our contract mean we will deliver your
                                    order late, and we will try to minimise the effect of the delay. Provided we do this we will not be
                                    liable for delays caused by the event. If there is a risk of substantial delay, you may contact us to
                                    end the contract and receive a refund for any products you have paid for but not received.</p>
                                <p>We may email you to let you know that we are going to stop providing the Product and will refund you
                                    any amount you may have paid for such Product.<br>
                                    Title and risk of loss of Product transfer to you upon Pioneer DJ&rsquo;s delivery of the Product to
                                    the carrier.<br>
                                    When you request that your order ships to an APO or FPO address, the package will ship SAM (Space
                                    Available Mail). SAM is no additional charge and will ship your package from the APO or FPO address
                                    via the next available boat.</p>
                                <p>Products may be returned for any reason within fourteen (14) days from your receipt of products for
                                    your money back. Returns can be initiated only after the Product has shipped. Products must be unused,
                                    and returned in their original packaging. Refunds will be credited to the credit method that was used
                                    to make the purchase, and only after returned Products have been received and inspected by Pioneer DJ,
                                    and determined to be in conformance with return instructions. Credit card refunds may not show up for
                                    one or two billing cycles.</p>
                                <p>The refund will be for the amount paid by you for the Product, less a twenty five percent (25%)
                                    restocking fee.</p>
                                <p>Registered users may be able to initiate a return of products by logging into their account. However,
                                    if that functionality is not made available, then you must contact customer service to obtain a return
                                    authorization prior to returning any Products:<br>
                                    <strong>Product customer service contact = <a href="tel:8447840000">(844) 784‐0000</a>; <a href="mailto:support.us@pioneerdj.com">support.us@pioneerdj.com</a></strong>
                                <p>When you receive a return authorization, you will be provided with instructions on how to return
                                    Products. Unless otherwise specified by a Pioneer DJ customer service representative, you will be
                                    responsible for arranging and paying for shipping, and should use a shipping method with tracking an
                                    delivery confirmation. Your shipping expenses may be reimbursed if returned Products are due to
                                    inaccurate product descriptions, an incorrect order, or confirmed by Pioneer DJ to be defective and
                                    not subject to warranty exclusions.</p>
                                <p>After the initial fourteen (14) day period, Products may only be returned if provided for under the
                                    applicable limited warranty terms which apply to such Product.</p>
                                <p>A defective Product is one that is inoperable but has no apparent damage, and which is considered
                                    defective in accordance with Pioneer DJ's limited warranty.</p>
                                <p>If an order arrives to you with obvious shipping damage, please refuse the delivery. If you have
                                    accepted delivery and then find shipping damage, please call the fulfiller immediately using the
                                    contact information included with the order.</p>
                                <p>Please save all packaging material and paperwork for the order if shipping damage is a possible
                                    issue. If you dispose of packaging material or attempt to return the merchandise without contacting
                                    the fulfiller, you jeopardize our chances of making a claim, and you may not receive credit for the
                                    return. </p>
                                <p>We accept no responsibility for user-initiated damage and/or loss of parts incurred during operation
                                    or use of Product.</p>
                                <p>PRICING AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS</p>
                                <p>All prices, pictures, and descriptions on THE SITE are subject to change. We maintain no
                                    responsibility for inadvertent errors. Please contact us within 30 days regarding price or promotion
                                <p>When you place your order with us, you agree to the price and terms indicated on THE SITE. Price
                                    differences related to future or past prices in our store or any other store are not refundable.
                                    Prices and availability of products are subject to change without notice. Errors will be corrected
                                    where and when discovered. AlphaTheta Music Americas, Inc. reserves the right to revoke any stated
                                    offer, cancel orders, and to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in any stated offer or
                                    price, including after an order has been submitted and whether or not the order has been confirmed and
                                    your payment processed.</p>
                                <p>ORDER CANCELATION</p>
                                <p>If you wish to cancel an order, contact customer service. You will be required to provide your first
                                    and last name, order number, Products ordered, the address the item was shipped to, contact phone
                                    number and email address.</p>
                                <p>If your payment has already been processed for the purchase when your order is cancelled, Pioneer DJ
                                    will issue a credit to the payment method used in the amount of the charge. Individual bank policies
                                    will dictate when this amount is credited to your account.</p>


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                <p><strong>Last Updated:</strong> 16 November, 2016 ("Effective Date")</p>
                <p>ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS</p>
                <p>These terms apply to www.pioneerdj.com and related mobile applications, widgets or online services,
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                <p>If you wish to make any use of content on THE SITE other than that set out above, please contact <a
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                  SITE OR THE CONTENTS.</p>
                <p>PIONEER DJ may, at its sole discretion, change, add or delete any of Contents or URL of THIS SITE,
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                <p>Each party agrees that it shall have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation,
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                  Each party agrees that it shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation or negligent
                  misstatement based on any statement in this agreement.</p>
                  HUNDRED U.S. DOLLARS ($100).</p>
                <p>You agree to indemnify and hold Pioneer DJ, and its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates,
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                  to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you,
                  in which event you will cooperate with Pioneer DJ in asserting any available defenses.</p>
                <p>SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS</p>
                <p>PIONEER DJ has a policy not to accept any proposals, remarks, suggestions, ideas, materials or other
                  information concerning PIONEER DJ's products and services (hereinafter collectively referred to as
                  "Proposals"). In the event that you submit such Proposals to PIONEER DJ, such submission of Proposals
                  shall be subject to the following terms:</p>
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                  <li>PIONEER DJ has no obligation to treat any Proposals in confidence, to use nor to commercialize any
                  <li>PIONEER DJ has no obligation to report or inform of any status of use of any Proposals.</li>
                  <li>You shall not assert any claim that PIONEER DJ&rsquo;s products or services infringe copyrights,
                    industrial property or any other intellectual property rights contained in the Proposals in the
                    event PIONEER DJ commercializes such Proposals or similar ideas.</li>
                <strong>Browser Requirements</strong>
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                <p>GOVERNING LAW, ARBITRATION</p>
                <p>The laws of the state of California, USA, will apply to all matters relating to these terms, the use
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                  The number of arbitrators shall be three, with each party selecting one arbitrator and those
                  arbitrators shall nominate the chief arbitrator to be approved by the parties. The arbitration shall
                  take place in the county of Los Angeles in the state of California.</p>
                <p>These terms constitute the entire agreement between Pioneer DJ and you pertaining to the subject
                  matter of these terms. In the event that any of these terms and conditions are held by a court or
                  other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, those provisions shall be limited or
                  eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the other terms shall otherwise remain in full
                  force and effect.</p>
                <p>These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and us and govern your use of THIS
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                  representations and undertakings between you and us, whether written or oral with respect to THE SITE.
                <p>CONTACT DETAILS</p>
                <p>To contact us, please email <a href="mailto:support.us@pioneerdj.com">support.us@pioneerdj.com</a>.
                <p>If you purchase products through THE SITE, the following terms apply to you. We only accept orders
                  from or deliver orders to the United States.</p>
                <p> Products may vary slightly from their pictures. The images of the products on THE SITE are for
                  illustrative purposes only. Although we have made every effort to display the colors accurately, we
                  cannot guarantee that the device you are using will display colors accurately. Your product may vary
                  slightly from those images. Packaging may vary from that shown on images on THE SITE.</p>
                <p> We may change the product to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements, and to
                  make minor technical adjustments and improvements.</p>
                <p>LIMITED WARRANTY</p>
                <p>New or refurbished products sold through THE SITE ("Products") are covered by Pioneer DJ&rsquo;s
                  standard manufacturer&rsquo;s limited warranties applicable to such Products. The terms of the
                  warranties, are located at: <a
                    href="/en-us/company/warranty/">http://www.pioneerdj.com/en-us/company/warranty</a>. In the event of
                  a conflict between these terms and the limited warranty, the terms of the limited warranty will apply
                  with respect to the applicable Product.</p>
                <p>We will contact you as soon as possible if events outside our contract mean we will deliver your
                  order late, and we will try to minimise the effect of the delay. Provided we do this we will not be
                  liable for delays caused by the event. If there is a risk of substantial delay, you may contact us to
                  end the contract and receive a refund for any products you have paid for but not received.</p>
                <p>We may email you to let you know that we are going to stop providing the Product and will refund you
                  any amount you may have paid for such Product.<br>
                  Title and risk of loss of Product transfer to you upon Pioneer DJ&rsquo;s delivery of the Product to
                  the carrier.<br>
                  When you request that your order ships to an APO or FPO address, the package will ship SAM (Space
                  Available Mail). SAM is no additional charge and will ship your package from the APO or FPO address
                  via the next available boat.</p>
                <p>Products may be returned for any reason within fourteen (14) days from your receipt of products for
                  your money back. Returns can be initiated only after the Product has shipped. Products must be unused,
                  and returned in their original packaging. Refunds will be credited to the credit method that was used
                  to make the purchase, and only after returned Products have been received and inspected by Pioneer DJ,
                  and determined to be in conformance with return instructions. Credit card refunds may not show up for
                  one or two billing cycles.</p>
                <p>The refund will be for the amount paid by you for the Product, less a twenty five percent (25%)
                  restocking fee.</p>
                <p>Registered users may be able to initiate a return of products by logging into their account. However,
                  if that functionality is not made available, then you must contact customer service to obtain a return
                  authorization prior to returning any Products:<br>
                  <strong>Product customer service contact = <a href="tel:8447840000">(844) 784‐0000</a>; <a
                <p>When you receive a return authorization, you will be provided with instructions on how to return
                  Products. Unless otherwise specified by a Pioneer DJ customer service representative, you will be
                  responsible for arranging and paying for shipping, and should use a shipping method with tracking an
                  delivery confirmation. Your shipping expenses may be reimbursed if returned Products are due to
                  inaccurate product descriptions, an incorrect order, or confirmed by Pioneer DJ to be defective and
                  not subject to warranty exclusions.</p>
                <p>After the initial fourteen (14) day period, Products may only be returned if provided for under the
                  applicable limited warranty terms which apply to such Product.</p>
                <p>A defective Product is one that is inoperable but has no apparent damage, and which is considered
                  defective in accordance with Pioneer DJ's limited warranty.</p>
                <p>If an order arrives to you with obvious shipping damage, please refuse the delivery. If you have
                  accepted delivery and then find shipping damage, please call the fulfiller immediately using the
                  contact information included with the order.</p>
                <p>Please save all packaging material and paperwork for the order if shipping damage is a possible
                  issue. If you dispose of packaging material or attempt to return the merchandise without contacting
                  the fulfiller, you jeopardize our chances of making a claim, and you may not receive credit for the
                  return. </p>
                <p>We accept no responsibility for user-initiated damage and/or loss of parts incurred during operation
                  or use of Product.</p>
                <p>All prices, pictures, and descriptions on THE SITE are subject to change. We maintain no
                  responsibility for inadvertent errors. Please contact us within 30 days regarding price or promotion
                <p>When you place your order with us, you agree to the price and terms indicated on THE SITE. Price
                  differences related to future or past prices in our store or any other store are not refundable.
                  Prices and availability of products are subject to change without notice. Errors will be corrected
                  where and when discovered. AlphaTheta Music Americas, Inc. reserves the right to revoke any stated
                  offer, cancel orders, and to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in any stated offer or
                  price, including after an order has been submitted and whether or not the order has been confirmed and
                  your payment processed.</p>
                <p>ORDER CANCELATION</p>
                <p>If you wish to cancel an order, contact customer service. You will be required to provide your first
                  and last name, order number, Products ordered, the address the item was shipped to, contact phone
                  number and email address.</p>
                <p>If your payment has already been processed for the purchase when your order is cancelled, Pioneer DJ
                  will issue a credit to the payment method used in the amount of the charge. Individual bank policies
                  will dictate when this amount is credited to your account.</p>


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      return "Unexpected error occurred";

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          complete: function () {

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